City University of London
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- Salones luminosos y bien equipados
City University of London abrió sus puertas en la ciudad de Londres, Inglaterra en el año 1852 desde aquel entonces ha brindado su servicio de educación pública a millares de estudiantes en la capital inglesa, lo cual demuestra una larga trayectoria en el sector educativo brindandole la experiencia necesaria para dar una educación de alta calidad.
City University of London cuenta con diferentes campus a tráves de la metropolis inglesa como CASS Business School , Grays Inn y su campus principal en Northampton Square, adicionalmente ha extendido su brazo educativo al medio oriente al contar con el campus The Dubai Centre en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, lo cual demuestra que es una universidad globalizada.
Te invitamos a que leas el portafolio de los programas educativos a nivel de posgrado de City University of London
En este bloque podrás encontrar todas las maestrías relacionadas con la Facultad de Negocios que ofrece City University of London
- MSc Actuarial Management
- MSc Actuarial Science
- MSc Banking and International Finance
- MSc Business Analytics
- Cass Summer School
- MSc Accounting and Financial Management
- MSc Charity Marketing and Fundraising
- MSc Corporate Finance
- MSc Energy, Trade and Finance
- MSc Entrepreneurship
- MSc Finance
- MSc Financial Mathematics
- MBA Full Time
- MSc Global Finance (Online)
- MSc Global Supply Chain Management
- MSc Grantmaking, Philanthropy and Social Investment
- MSc / MA / Innovation, Creativity and Leadership
- MSc Insurance and Risk Management
- MSc International Accounting and Finance
- MSc International Business
- MSc Investment Management
- MSc Management
- MSc Marketing Strategy and Innovation
- Mathematical Trading and Finance
- MSc in Global Finance (Online)
- MSc NGO Management
- MSc Quantitative Finance
- MSc Real Estate
- MSc Real Estate Investment
- MSc Shipping, Trade and Finance
- MSc Voluntary Sector Management
En este bloque podrás encontrar todas las maestrías relacionadas con la Facultad de Arte y Ciencias Sociales que ofrece City University of London
- MSc Behavioural Economics
- MA Broadcast Journalism
- MSc Business Economics / International Business Economics
- MSc Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience
- MA Composition
- MA Creating Writing (Non-Fiction)
- MA Creating Writing (Novels)
- MA Creating Writing (Playwriting and Screenwriting)
- MA Creating Writing and Publishing
- MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice
- MA Culture, Policy and Management
- MSc Development Economics
- MA Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
- MSc Economic Evaluation in Health Care
- MSc Economics
- MA Erasmus Mundus Masters: Journalism, Media and Globalisation
- MA Ethnomusicology
- MSc Financial Economics
- MA Financial Journalism
- MSc Food Policy
- MA Global Political Economy
- Graduate Certificate in Counselling Psychology
- MSc Health Economics
- MA Interactive Journalism
- MA international Communications and Development
- MA International Journalism
- MA International Politics
- MA International Politics and Human Rights
- MA International Publishing
- MA Investigative Journalism
- MA Magazine Journalism
- MA Media and Communications
- MA Music
- MA Newspaper Journalism
- MSc Organisational Psychology
- DPsych Professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology
- MA Publishing
- MSc Research Methods
- MSc Research Methods with Psychology
- MA Television Journalism
En este bloque podrás encontrar todas las maestrías relacionadas con la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud que ofrece City University of London
- MSc Adult and Mental Health Nursing (pre-registration)
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Adult Health (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- Postgraduate Diploma Adult Nursing
- MSc, Postraduate Diploma: Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Adult; Child (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- MSc Advanced Ophthalmic Nurse Pratitioner (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Child and Adolescent Mental Health (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- Postgraduate Diploma: Child Nursing
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Clinical Optometry
- MRes Clinical Research
- MSc Health Mangement
- MSc Health Policy
- MSc Health Psychology / Psychology and Health
- MSc Health Services Research
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate Medical Ultrasound
- Postgraduate Diploma Mental Health Nursing
- Postgraduate Diploma Midwifery (90-week shortened programme for nurses)
- MSc Midwifery (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Nursing (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- BSc (Hons) MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Primary Care (Practice Nursing)
- MSc, DPsych: Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology
- MPH Public Health
- BSc (Hons), MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Graduate Diploma: Public Health (District Nursing, Health Visiting or School Nursing)
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Radiography (Computed Tomography)
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Radiography (Medical Magnetic Resonance)
- MSc Speech and Language Therapy
- MSc, Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate: Speech, Language and Communication (Advanced Practice in Health and Social Care)
- MSc Speech Language and Communication Needs in Schools Advanced Practice
En este bloque podrás encontrar todas las maestrías relacionadas con la Facultad de Matemáticas, Ingeniería y Ciencias de la Computación que ofrece City University of London
- MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering
- MSc Air Safety Management
- MSc Air Transport Management
- MSc Aircraft Maintenance Management
- MSc Airport Management
- MSc Business Systems Analysis and Design
- MSc Civil Engineering Structures
- MSc Civil Engineering Structures (Nuclear Power Plants)
- MSc Computer Games Technology
- MSc Construction Management
- MSc Cuber Security
- MSc Data Science
- MSc Energy and Environmental Technology and Economics
- MSc Human-Computer Interaction Design
- MSc Information Science
- MSc Information Systems and Technology
- MSc Internet of Things with Entrepreneurship
- MSc Library Science
- MSc Maritime Operations and Management
- MSc Maritime Operations and Management in Greece
- MSc Project Management, Finance and Risk
- MSc Renewable Energy and Power Systems Management
- MSc Software Engineering
- MSc Temporary Works and Construction Method Engineering
En este bloque podrás encontrar todas las maestrías relacionadas con la Facultad de Leyes que ofrece City University of London
- Postgraduate Diploma Bar Professional Training Course
- LLM Civil Litigation and Dispute Resolution
- LLM Criminal Litigation
- LLM Dispute Resolution
- LLM European Commercial Law
- LLM European Union Law
- Graduate Diploma in Law
- Graduate Entry LLB
- LLM International Banking and Finance Law
- LLM International Business Law (distance learning)
- LLM International Commercial Law
- LLM International Economic Law
- LLM International Energy Law and Regulation
- LLM International Human Rights
- LLM Legal Practice
- Postgraduate Legal Practice Course
- LLM Maritime Law
- LLM Maritime Law (Greece)
- LLM Master of Laws
- LLM Professional Advocacy
- LLM Professional Legal Skills
- LLM Public International Law